Sunday 31 December 2017

الأسهم خيارات خان الأكاديمية

توداي ستوك ماركيت نيوس أمب تحليل في الوقت الحقيقي بعد ساعات ما قبل السوق أخبار فلاش اقتباس ملخص اقتباس الرسوم البيانية التفاعلية الإعداد الافتراضي يرجى ملاحظة أنه بمجرد إجراء اختيارك، فإنه سيتم تطبيق على جميع الزيارات المستقبلية لناسداك. إذا كنت مهتما في أي وقت بالعودة إلى الإعدادات الافتراضية، يرجى تحديد الإعداد الافتراضي أعلاه. إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة أو واجهت أي مشاكل في تغيير الإعدادات الافتراضية الخاصة بك، يرجى البريد الإلكتروني إسفيدباكناسداك. الرجاء تأكيد اختيارك: لقد اخترت تغيير الإعداد الافتراضي الخاص بك للبحث اقتباس. ستصبح الآن الصفحة المستهدفة الافتراضية ما لم تغير التهيئة مرة أخرى، أو تحذف ملفات تعريف الارتباط. هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك في تغيير إعداداتك لدينا تفضيل أن نسأل الرجاء تعطيل مانع الإعلانات (أو تحديث إعداداتك لضمان تمكين جافا سكريبت وملفات تعريف الارتباط)، حتى نتمكن من الاستمرار في تزويدك بأول أخبار السوق والبيانات التي سوف تتوقع من منا. 10 دورات مجانية على الانترنت أن كل المهنية يجب أن تحقق لماذا يجب أن أعتبر: أنت لا تملك خلفية مالية ويود أن تبدأ في صنع المال في سوق الأوراق المالية. ما تعلمه: تبدأ من خلال تعلم أساسيات كيف الأسهم والسندات العمل، ومن ثم تحريك أعمق في الأسهم والسندات بالطبع. معرفة ما إذا كان لديك ما يلزم ليكون منظم. لماذا يجب أن تأخذ: كنت أتساءل عما إذا كان لديك ما يلزم لبدء الأعمال التجارية الخاصة بك، أو ببساطة ترغب في معرفة كيف أفضل العالمين التنفيذيين تشغيل شركاتهم. ما تعلمه: انظر كيف المسك هو العثور على وسيلة لإحداث ثورة في صناعة السيارات والسفر الفضاء. كما تشمل مقابلات أكادميية واسعة مع مجموعة من رجال الأعمال محادثات مع ريتشارد برانسون، رئيس مجموعة فيرجن، وأنجيلا أهرينتس، نائب رئيس شركة أبلز للتجزئة والرئيس التنفيذي السابق لبربري. بدء البرمجة. لماذا يجب أن تأخذ: في عالم اليوم، يمكن للجميع الاستفادة من بعض محو الأمية الترميز على الأقل. ما تعلمه: أكادميس خان باميلا فوكس يأخذك من خلال أساسيات لغة البرمجة جافا سكريبت. بدءا من برنامج رسم بسيط. فرشاة على التاريخ الحديث الأكثر أهمية. فيلق إشارة الجيش الأمريكي لماذا يجب أن تأخذ: ربما كان سنوات منذ كنت درس التاريخ الأمريكي الحديث في الفصول الدراسية. ما تعلمه: في هذه المحاضرة، خان سوف تعطيك التمهيدي على الحرب العالمية الثانية، الحرب الباردة، خليج الخنازير، أزمة الصواريخ الكوبية، وسباق الفضاء كل أقل من 15 دقيقة. تأكد من أنك تعرف كيف الشركات كسب المال. لماذا يجب أن تأخذ: تود معرفة المزيد عن كيفية تحويل الشركات أرباحا. ما تعلمه: لن تخلط بين الربح الإجمالي، والأرباح التشغيلية، وصافي الدخل مرة أخرى. فهم قضية رئيسية تتعلق بالتجارة بين الولايات المتحدة والصين. لماذا يجب أن تأخذ: تريد أن تعرف المزيد عن الطرق الولايات المتحدة والصين ملزمة ماليا لبعضها البعض. ما تعلمه: سوف نفهم كيف يعمل سعر الصرف العائم. احصل على فكرة عن حجم الأرض. لماذا يجب أن تأخذ: ربما لديك رأي سياسي بشأن الاستجابة المناسبة لتغير المناخ، ولكن هل يمكن أن تستفيد أيضا من التمهيدي على موقف الأرض في النظام الشمسي. ما تعلمه: الحصول على بعض البيانات لفهم كيف صغيرة كوكبنا نسبة إلى الشمس. تذهب من خلال تاريخ الكون في أقل من 15 دقيقة. لماذا يجب أن تأخذ: تريد أن يكون لديك فهم أساسي لنطاق الكون. ما تعلمه: اللحاق على أساسيات كل ما تعلمه عن علم الكونيات من خلال مسار التاريخ البشري. حدد بطاقة الائتمان التي يجب أن تحصل عليها. جو رايدل جيتي إيماجيس لماذا يجب أن تأخذ: بغض النظر عن مدى ذكائك، ثيريس فرصة جيدة لم تأخذ من الوقت لدراسة الواقع التمويل الشخصي. ما تعلمه: سوف تعلم كيف يعمل أبر، وكيف البنوك إصدار ومعالجة بطاقات الائتمان. تعلم المهارات الأساسية اللازمة لإدارة الأعمال التجارية. لماذا يجب أن تأخذ: لديك روح المبادرة، ولكن فكرة موازنة الكتب يرعب لك. ما تعلمه: هذه المحاضرة هي الأولى في سلسلة على أهم الحسابات والبيانات المالية التي تحتاج إليها كمالك الأعمال. يول تعلم كل ما هو مطلوب لإدارة الشؤون المالية للشركة بشكل صحيح. الآن تحقق من بعض المحتوى المجاني أكثر قيمة. 10 دورات مجانية على الانترنت أن كل المهنية يجب أن تحقق2017 زميل زميل زميل الحالي فردريك بوزو هو زميل أقدم في الأكاديمية عبر الأطلسي وأستاذ في جامعة السوربون الجديد (جامعة باريس الثالث)، حيث درس التاريخ المعاصر والعلاقات الدولية منذ عام 2005. وقبل ذلك شغل مناصب التدريس في جامعة مارن لا فالي (1994-1998) وجامعة نانت، حيث كان أستاذا في الفترة من 1998 إلى 2005. وتشمل كتبه ميتران، نهاية الحرب الباردة، و التوحيد الألماني (2009، نشر لأول مرة باللغة الفرنسية في عام 2005) استراتيجيتان لأوروبا: ديغول، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، والتحالف الأطلسي (2001، نشرت لأول مرة باللغة الفرنسية في عام 1996) السياسة الخارجية الفرنسية منذ عام 1945: مقدمة (2016، أولا التي نشرت باللغة الفرنسية في عام 2012)، وتاريخ الأزمة العراقية: فرنسا والولايات المتحدة والعراق، 1991-2003 (2016، نشرت لأول مرة باللغة الفرنسية في عام 2013). تلقى بوزو تعليمه في كلية العلوم العليا و العلوم بو وحصل على درجة الدكتوراه في التاريخ المعاصر من جامعة باريس X - نانتير (1993)، وتأهيله من السوربون نوفيل (1997). 2017 زميل زميل سابق ستيفان فرليتش هو زميل أول في الأكاديمية عبر الأطلسي وأستاذ للسياسة الدولية في جامعة إرلانجن نرنبرغ. وتشمل مجالات بحثه السياسة الخارجية والأمنية للاتحاد الأوروبي، والعلاقات عبر الأطلسي، والسياسة الخارجية الألمانية، والاقتصاد السياسي الدولي. وتشمل كتبه "الجغرافيا السياسية الجديدة للعلاقات عبر الأطلسي: الردود المنسقة على الأخطار المشتركة" (2012)، و "الاتحاد الأوروبي كممثل عالمي"، الطبعة الثانية 2014)، والآثار الاستراتيجية للتوسع الأوروبي الأطلسي (مع استير بريمر، 2005 ). حصل فرليتش على درجة الدكتوراه في العلوم السياسية (1989) و التأهيل (1996) من جامعة بون. وكان مدير برنامج للدراسات العليا للدراسات الأوروبية محاضرة في مركز البحوث الأوروبية للاندماج في جامعة بون من 1998 و 2002، وكان أستاذا زائرا في أنتويرب وبروج وبودابست، ميلان، برمنغهام، لندن، فيينا، تبينجن، واشنطن، زيورخ وموسكو. وهو ينتمي حاليا إلى كلية التدريس في كلية أوروبا في بروج ووارسو وبون وإنسبروك وزيوريخ. 2017 زميل زميل سابق ويد جاكوبي هو زميل أول في الأكاديمية عبر الأطلسي وأستاذ العلوم السياسية في جامعة بريغهام يونغ. وتشمل كتبه التقليد والسياسة: إعادة تصميم ألمانيا الحديثة (2000) وتوسيع الاتحاد الأوروبي والناتو: ترتيب من القائمة في أوروبا الوسطى (2004). نشرت جاكوبي مقالات في العديد من المجلات بما في ذلك السياسة العالمية، والسياسة المقارنة، والدراسات السياسية المقارنة، والسياسة والمجتمع، ومراجعة الاقتصاد السياسي الدولي، واستعراض المنظمات الدولية، والمجلة البريطانية للعلاقات الصناعية. وكان جاكوبي سابقا أستاذا مساعدا للعلوم السياسية في كلية غرينيل (1995-2000)، وكان أستاذا زائرا في أمستردام وبرشلونة وبون وبرلين وبروكسل وكوبنهاغن وكالياري ومعهد الجامعة الأوروبية في فلورنسا. حصل على درجة الدكتوراه في العلوم السياسية من معهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا في عام 1996 وحصل على شهادة البكالوريوس في الدراسات الأوروبية من جامعة بريغهام يونغ. 2017 زميل زميل سابق هارولد جيمس زميل أول في الأكاديمية عبر الأطلسي وكلود ولوري كيلي أستاذ في الدراسات الأوروبية، أستاذ التاريخ والشؤون الدولية، ومدير برنامج في السياسة الأوروبية المعاصرة والمجتمع في جامعة برينستون. يدرس التاريخ الاقتصادي والمالي والتاريخ الألماني الحديث، ويكتب تاريخا لصندوق النقد الدولي. تلقى جيمس تعليمه في جامعة كامبريدج (دكتوراه في عام 1982)، وكان زميل بيترهوس لمدة ثماني سنوات قبل أن يأتي إلى جامعة برينستون في عام 1986. وتشمل كتبه الهوية الألمانية، 1770-1990 (1989)، التعاون النقدي الدولي منذ بريتون وودز (1996 )، نهاية العولمة: دروس من الكساد العظيم (2001)، جعل الاتحاد النقدي الأوروبي (2012)، واليورو ومعركة الأفكار (2016، مع جان بيير لانداو، وماركوس ك. برونيرميه). وهو أيضا أستاذ ماري كوري الزائر في معهد الجامعة الأوروبية. 2017 زميلة زميلة زميلة ماري إليز ساروت زميلة أقدم في الأكاديمية عبر الأطلسية، باحث مشارك في مركز الدراسات الأوروبية في جامعة هارفارد، وأستاذ عمداء التاريخ وأستاذ العلاقات الدولية في جامعة جنوب كاليفورنيا (أوسك). حصلت ساروت على بكالوريوس في التاريخ والعلوم في جامعة هارفارد ودكتوراه في التاريخ في جامعة ييل. وتشمل كتبها "انهيار: الافتتاح العرضي لجدار برلين (2014) و 1989: النضال من أجل إنشاء أوروبا بعد الحرب الباردة (2009، طبعة محدثة 2014)، وكلاهما كتب فايننشال تايمز لهذا العام. بعد المدرسة العليا، خدم ساروت كزميل البيت الأبيض وانضم بعد ذلك إلى كلية جامعة كامبريدج. حصلت على الحيازة هناك في عام 2004 قبل عودته إلى الولايات المتحدة لتدريس في أوسك. ساروت هو باحث سابق في هومبولت، وهو عضو سابق في معهد الدراسات المتقدمة في برينستون، وعضو في مجلس العلاقات الخارجية. كما يعمل ساروت على مجلس إدارة مؤسسة ويلي برانت في برلين. وهي تعمل حاليا على كتاب جديد عن حقبة ما بعد الحرب الباردة. 2017 زميل زميل زميلة ياسشا مونك زميل في الأكاديمية عبر الأطلسي، محاضر في الحكومة في جامعة هارفارد، وزميل في برنامج الإصلاح السياسي في أمريكا الجديدة. حصل منك على درجة البكالوريوس في التاريخ ومهنته في الفكر السياسي من كلية ترينيتي، كامبريدج، وأكمل أطروحة دكتوراه في إدارة جامعة هارفارد الحكومية. كتاب الغراب الأول، الغريب في بلدي بلد: عائلة يهودية في ألمانيا الحديثة، ونشرت من قبل فارار، ستروس وجيرو في عام 2014، وسيتم نشر أول كتابه الأكاديمي، عصر المسؤولية: الحظ والاختيار والدولة الرفاه، من قبل مطبعة جامعة هارفارد في ربيع عام 2017. في الآونة الأخيرة، كان قد نشر عن أزمة الديمقراطية الليبرالية ويعمل الآن على كتابه المقبل، مؤقتا بعنوان الشعب مقابل الديمقراطية: كيف الصراع بين الحقوق الفردية والإرادة الشعبية هو تدمير الديمقراطية الليبرالية. يكتب منك بانتظام للصحف والمجلات بما في ذلك نيويورك تايمز، وول ستريت جورنال، الشؤون الخارجية، الأمة، ودي تسايت. 2017 زميل زميل زميل هايدي توريك زميل في الأكاديمية عبر الأطلسي والأستاذ المساعد للتاريخ الدولي في جامعة كولومبيا البريطانية. حصلت على درجة البكالوريوس (مع مرتبة الشرف) في اللغات الحديثة والقرون الوسطى من جامعة كامبريدج وحصلت على درجة الدكتوراه في التاريخ من جامعة هارفارد. وهي تستكمل حاليا كتابها الأول، وعنوانه "أخبار من ألمانيا": مشروع مراقبة الاتصالات العالمية، 1900-1945. كما يدير توريك مشروع تاريخ الأمم المتحدة (unhistoryproject. org). شغلت سابقا منصب مساعد مدير الدراسات الجامعية والمحاضر في قسم التاريخ في جامعة هارفارد. وقد عقد توريك زمالات زائرة في بيركبيك، جامعة لندن، ومركز التاريخ والاقتصاد في جامعة هارفارد، ومركز التاريخ المعاصر، بوتسدام، ألمانيا. يكتب توريك للصحف والمجلات بما في ذلك الأطلسي، بوليتيكو، وفرانكفورتر ألجيمين تسايتونج. كما تحدثت عن إذاعة بي بي سي و نير. وتركز أبحاثها الحالية على الاتصالات والمنظمات الدولية وشركات الإعلام. 2017 زميل زميل السياسة العامة في بوش زميل هانس كوندناني زميل في السياسة العامة في الأكاديمية عبر الأطلسي وزميل كبير عبر الأطلنطي مع برنامج غمفس أوروبا. عمل سابقا كمدير الأبحاث في المجلس الأوروبي للعلاقات الخارجية، حيث عمل لمدة خمس سنوات. وهو أيضا زميل مشارك في معهد الدراسات الألمانية في جامعة برمنغهام. تركز أبحاثه على السياسة الخارجية الألمانية والأوروبية. وهو مؤلف كتابين، يوتوبيا أو أوشفيتز: ألمانيا 1968 جيل والمحرقة (2009) و بارادوس أوف جيرمان باور (2014). وقد نشرت مقالاته وأوراقه في مجلات مثل الشؤون الخارجية، و واشنطن كوارتيرلي، و إنترناتيونال بوليتيك والصحف مثل فايننشال تايمز، لوموند، وديزيت. درس كوندناني اللغة الألمانية والفلسفة في جامعة أكسفورد والصحافة في جامعة كولومبيا في نيويورك، حيث كان باحث فولبرايت. يتحدث الإنجليزية والألمانية. 2017 زميل السياسة العامة في بوش زميل إبيرهارد ساندشنايدر زميل زميل في الأكاديمية عبر الأطلسي. وهو يشغل كرسي في السياسة الصينية والعلاقات الدولية في فري ونيفرزيت برلين. بين عامي 2003 و 2016، كان أوتو وولف مدير معهد البحوث التابع للمجلس الألماني للعلاقات الخارجية (دغاب). بين عامي 1995 و 1998، كان أستاذا للعلاقات الدولية في جامعة يوهانز-غوتنبرغ في ماينز. شغل منصب المدير الإداري لمعهد فري أوتو سوهر من أكتوبر 1999 إلى مارس 2001 وعمل عميدا لإدارة العلوم السياسية والاجتماعية في فري ونيفرزيت من 2001 إلى 2003. وتشمل كتب ساندشنايدرز غلوبال ريفالين: الصين أونهيمليشر أوفستيغ أوند داي أونماشت ديس ويستنس) املنافسون العامليون: الصعود غير املكثف وعجز الغرب، 2008 (ودير إرفولغريش أبستيغ يوروباس: هوت ماشت أبغبن أم مورغن زو جيوينن) يوروبس النجاح الناجح: التخلي عن السلطة اليوم من أجل الفوز غدا، 2011 (. تخرج من جامعة سار في عام 1981 في اللغة الإنجليزية والأدب، وعلم اللغة الكلاسيكية، والعلوم السياسية. 2017 زميل زميل في السياسة العامة لبوش كريستوفر تشيفيس هو زميل بوش في الأكاديمية عبر الأطلسي والمدير المساعد لمركز السياسات الأمنية والدفاع الدولي وعالم سياسي رفيع المستوى في مؤسسة راند. وهو متخصص في قضايا الأمن القومي في أوروبا وشمال أفريقيا والشرق الأوسط، بما في ذلك الناتو، والتدخلات العسكرية، ومكافحة الإرهاب، والردع. وهو أيضا أستاذ مساعد في جامعة جون هوبكنز، بول ه. نيتز من الدراسات الدولية المتقدمة (سيس). 2017 زميل زميل في السياسة العامة لدى بوش غويدو شتاينبرغ زميل في أكاديمية ترانساتلانتيك، وهو زميل بارز في معهد ألمانيا للشؤون الدولية والأمنية في برلين. عمل من 2002 إلى 2005 مستشارا للإرهاب الدولي في المستشارية الاتحادية الألمانية. وهو مؤلف الجهاد األلماني: حول تدويل اإلرهاب اإلسالمي) 2013 (. 2017 زميل زميل في السياسة العامة لدى بوش مايكل كيماج أستاذ في التاريخ في الجامعة الكاثوليكية الأمريكية. من عام 2014 إلى عام 2016 خدم على موظفي التخطيط للسياسة في وزارة الخارجية الأميركية، حيث شغل محفظة روسيا أوكرين. وهو مؤلف كتابين عن التاريخ والثقافة الأمريكية، وقد نشر مقالات ومقالات عن العلاقات عبر الأطلسي، والعلاقات الأمريكية الروسية، والشؤون الدولية في الجمهورية الجديدة، وصحيفة نيويورك تايمز، وفرانكفورتر ألجيمين تسايتونج. وبالإضافة إلى الجامعة الكاثوليكية، درس البروفيسور كيماج أيضا في جامعة برلين الحرة، وجامعة لودفيغ ماكسيميليان في ميونخ، وجامعة فيلنيوس. 2017 وزميلة السياسة العامة في بوش زميلتنا الحالية آنا ساويربري هي رئيس صفحات الرأي في دير تاجيسبيجيل، وهي صحيفة يومية مقرها في برلين. كما أنها تكتب عمود شهري في ألمانيا لصحيفة نيويورك تايمز. في عام 2013، كانت زميلة آرثر ف. بيرنز مع فيلادلفيا إنكوايرر. في عام 2016، سافرت الولايات المتحدة على نطاق واسع بدعم من منحة هولبروك. وهي حاصلة على درجة الدكتوراه في التاريخ من جامعة ماينز، حيث عملت كمساعد باحث قبل أن تصبح صحفية مهنية. 2016 زميل سابق زميل سابق د. ماري مندراس زميل أول في الأكاديمية عبر الأطلسي والباحث الزائر في جامعة جورج تاون. وهي أستاذة في كلية باريس للشؤون الدولية في جامعة بو للعلوم، وباحثة في المركز الوطني للبحوث العلمية (نرس) في باريس. كما أنها زميل زميل في برنامج روسيا وأوراسيا في شاثام هاوس في لندن. من 2008 إلى 2010، كانت أستاذا للحكومة في كلية لندن للاقتصاد. في السنوات السابقة، كانت مستشارا لوزارتي الخارجية والدفاع الفرنسية. آخر كتاب لها هو السياسة الروسية: مفارقة دولة ضعيفة (2014). ومن بين منشوراتها الأخيرة حول السياسة الخارجية الروسية "التكلفة المرتفعة للسياسة الخارجية الاستبدادية لروسيا"، في السياسة الخارجية الروسية (M. ليت أند D. كادير، إدس، 2015). حصلت على الدكتوراه من سسينسس بو وأسيادها من جامعة هارفارد. 2016 زميل سابق زميل سابق الدكتور أندرو مورافسيك هو زميل أقدم في الأكاديمية عبر الأطلسي. وهو أيضا أستاذ السياسة والشؤون الدولية والمدير المؤسس لبرنامج الاتحاد الأوروبي في جامعة وودرو ويلسون للشؤون الدولية بجامعة برينستون. وقبل ذلك، كان أستاذا في إدارة الحكومة وجامعة هارفارد، حيث حصل على درجة الدكتوراه في عام 1992. ومنذ عام 2004، كان زميلا غير مقيم في معهد بروكينغز، ويعمل حاليا كمحرر مراجعة الكتب (أوروبا) في الشؤون الخارجية. وقد عمل في مناصب صنع القرار في الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا وآسيا. وتشمل كتبه خيار أوروبا: الغرض الاجتماعي وقوة الدولة من ميسينا إلى ماستريخت (1998) والسلطة والترابط والفاعلين غير الدول في السياسة العالمية (2009). 2016 زميل سابق زميل سابق الدكتور أولريش سبيك هو زميل أول في الأكاديمية عبر الأطلسي في واشنطن العاصمة. ويركز عمله على السياسة الخارجية الألمانية والاتحاد الأوروبي، وعلاقات الاتحاد الأوروبي مع أوروبا الشرقية وروسيا، والعلاقات عبر الأطلسي. من عام 2013 إلى عام 2015 كان سبيك باحث زائر في كارنيجي أوروبا في بروكسل، وكاتب عمود السياسة الخارجية لصحيفة سويس نيوشرت تسايتونج السويسرية. وقد كان مشاركا في فريد، مدريد رئيس تحرير جلوبال يوروب مورنينغ بريف، وهي نشرة إخبارية مشتركة فقط عن السياسة الخارجية للاتحاد الأوروبي وعملت ل رفيرل في براغ وبروكسل. من عام 2000 إلى عام 2005 كان رئيس التحرير في فرانكفورتر روندشاو، صحيفة ألمانية. سبيك قد شارك في تحرير ثلاثة كتب (باللغة الألمانية): في ثورة 184889 (1998)، الإمبراطورية الأمريكية (2003)، ومعاداة السامية الجديدة (2004). حاصل على درجة الدكتوراه في التاريخ الحديث من جامعة فرانكفورت، وكان عضوا في كلية الدراسات العليا لتاريخ القانون في جامعة فرانكفورت من 1992-95. 2016 زميلة زميلة أقدم د. أنجيلا ستنت زميلة أولى في الأكاديمية عبر الأطلسي ومدير مركز الدراسات الأوروبية الآسيوية والروسية وأوروبا الشرقية وأستاذ الحكومة والخدمة الخارجية في جامعة جورج تاون. وهي أيضا زميل غير مقيم في معهد بروكينغز وتشارك في رئاسة منتدى هيويت حول شؤون ما بعد الاتحاد السوفياتي. وفي الفترة من عام 1999 إلى عام 2001، عملت في مكتب تخطيط السياسات التابع لوزارة الخارجية الأمريكية. وفي الفترة من 2004 إلى 2006، شغلت منصب ضابط الاستخبارات الوطني لروسيا وأوراسيا في مجلس المخابرات الوطني. كما عملت أستاذا زائرا في جامعة موسكو الحكومية للعلاقات الدولية (مغيمو)، حيث كانت أيضا زميلة في فولبرايت. وتشمل منشوراتها روسيا وألمانيا ريبورن: التوحيد، والانهيار السوفياتي، وأوروبا الجديدة (1998)، ترميم الثورة في السياسة الخارجية بوتين، والمترددين الأوروبيين: ثلاثة قرون من التعاطف الروسي تجاه الغرب. كتابها الأخير هو "حدود الشراكة: العلاقات الأمريكية الروسية في القرن الحادي والعشرين" (2014). حصلت على الدكتوراه. من جامعة هارفارد إدارة الحكومة. 2016 زميل زميل سابق الدكتور كريس ميلر هو زميل في الأكاديمية عبر الأطلسي. وهو أيضا المدير المشارك لبرنامج برادي-جونسون في الاستراتيجية الكبرى في جامعة ييل وزميل في معهد بحوث السياسة الخارجية. كتابه النضال من أجل إنقاذ الاقتصاد السوفياتي: ميخائيل غورباتشوف وانهيار الاتحاد السوفييتي سيتم نشره في ديسمبر 2016. وهو يعمل حاليا على كتاب جديد عن السياسة الاقتصادية الروسية من عام 1998 حتى الآن. الدكتور ميلرس اهتمامات البحث الأخرى تشمل الاقتصاد السياسي والتاريخ الاقتصادي، والتاريخ المالي. وقد عمل كزميل باحث في معهد ستانفوردز هوفر، وهو باحث زائر في مركز كارنيغي موسكو، وهو باحث مشارك في معهد بروكينغز، ومحاضر في كلية الاقتصاد الجديدة في موسكو. وتشمل المنشورات عدم المساواة في الدخل والسياسة العامة والاقتصاد تقلع أو قفزة كبيرة إلى الأمام: التقييمات السوفيتية للإصلاحات الاقتصادية الصينية خلال بيريسترويكا. حصل على درجة الدكتوراه وماجستير من جامعة ييل وبكالوريوس في التاريخ من جامعة هارفارد. 2016 زميل السياسة العامة في بوش زميل سابق إيفان كراستيف عالم سياسي بلغاري. وهو رئيس مركز الاستراتيجيات الليبرالية، صوفيا، وزميل دائم في معهد العلوم الإنسانية في فيينا (إوم). وهو عضو مؤسس في المجلس الأوروبي للعلاقات الخارجية. (2013) القرن المناهض للولايات المتحدة، شارك في تحريره مع آلان ماكفرسون، (سيو بريس، 2007) و هيفينغ هوجس : ثلاثة مقالات عن سياسة مكافحة الفساد (سيو بريس، 2004). وهو مؤلف مشارك مع ستيفن هولمز من كتاب قادم عن السياسة الروسية. 2016 أوسو زميل زميل زائر سابق ماريك مينكيزاك هو رئيس الإدارة الروسية في مركز الدراسات الشرقية (أوسو) في وارسو وزميل زائر أوسو في الأكاديمية عبر الأطلسي. وقبل ذلك، قام بتنسيق ثلاثة مشاريع بحثية في أوسو. كما كان باحثا زائرا في المعهد الفنلندي للشؤون الدولية في هلسنكي، وهو عضو في فرقة العمل الأوروبية في معهد الاتحاد الأوروبي للدراسات الأمنية في باريس، ومحاضر في جامعة وارسو. منذ عام 1994، كان على موظفي الحولية الاستراتيجية. وتشمل المنشورات: عقيدة بوتين: تشكيل إطار مفاهيمي للهيمنة الروسية في منطقة ما بعد الاتحاد السوفييتي، والمسؤولية عن حماية نفسها، واستراتيجية روسية تجاه الأزمة في سوريا، والجوار المضطرب: قضايا الأمن في العلاقات بين بولندا و أوسروسيا 1989-2000. وحصل على درجة الماجستير من معهد العلاقات الدولية في جامعة وارسو. 2016 زميلة زميلة في السياسة العامة لبوش د. مارغريت كلاين زميلة في الأكاديمية عبر الأطلسية ونائب رئيس قسم الأبحاث في أوروبا الشرقية وأوراسيا التابع لمؤسسة العلوم والتكنولوجيا في برلين. حصلت على الدكتوراه في عام 2001 من جامعة لودفيغ ماكسيميليانز ميونيخ، حيث عملت أيضا كمحاضر ما بعد الدكتوراه. في عام 2004، انضمت إلى جامعة ريجنسبورغ كأستاذ مساعد في السياسة المقارنة. تم نشر عمل كلاينز من قبل حزب العمال السويسري، وكذلك أوستيوروبا، زيتسكريفت فر أوسن - أوند سيشرهيتسبوليتيك، الروسية تحليلية دايجست، و موسكو تايمز. 2016 زميل زميل زميل سابق الدكتور ستيفان مايستر هو زميل زائر في الأكاديمية عبر الأطلسي. ومنذ آب / أغسطس 2014، شغل منصب رئيس برنامج أوروبا الشرقية وروسيا وآسيا الوسطى في مركز روبرت بوش لأوروبا الوسطى والشرقية وروسيا وآسيا الوسطى. عمل سابقا كزميل في السياسة العليا في المجلس الأوروبي للعلاقات الخارجية فريق أوروبا الأوسع وكزميل باحث أقدم في دغاب (2008-2013). وقد عمل عدة مرات كمراقب انتخابات في منظمة الأمن والتعاون في أوروبا في بلدان ما بعد الاتحاد السوفياتي وكان مسؤولا عن مشاريع تعليمية في روسيا. وفي الفترة من 2003 إلى 2004، كان باحثا مقيم في مركز العلاقات الدولية في وارسو، لتحليل السياسة البولندية الشرقية. حصل على الدكتوراه في جامعة يينا ويحمل درجة الماجستير في العلوم السياسية وتاريخ أوروبا الشرقية. 2016 زميل زميل في السياسة العامة لبوش الدكتور هانز أدوميت هو عالم سياسي يركز على روسيا. وهو زميل بوش في الأكاديمية عبر الأطلسي وكان أستاذا للدراسات الروسية والأوروبية في الحرم الجامعي وارسو من كلية أوروبا حتى عام 2013. في وقت سابق، شغل منصب باحث مشارك كبير ورئيس قسم البحوث في روسيا وأوراسيا في ستيفتونغ (سوب) في برلين، كأستاذ في السياسة الدولية في كلية فليتشر للقانون والدبلوماسية في جامعة تافتس، وفي أدوار التدريس والبحث الأخرى. وكان زميله في المعهد الأمريكي للدراسات الألمانية المعاصرة في واشنطن عام 2014. وكان أدوميت مؤلف الإمبراطوري أوفيرستريتش: ألمانيا في السياسة السوفياتية من ستالين إلى غورباتشوف (1998 2nd Rev. إد 2016). درس في جامعة فري برلين، وحصل على درجة الدكتوراه. من جامعة كولومبيا. 2016 زميل غير مقيم زميل سابق السفير الدكتور كلاوس شاريوث شغل منصب السفير الألماني في الولايات المتحدة من 2006-2011. درس القانون في بون وجنيف وفرايبورغ، فضلا عن العلاقات الدولية والقانون الدولي والتمويل الدولي والاقتصاد في كلية فليتشر للقانون والدبلوماسية وكلية الحقوق بجامعة هارفارد وكلية جون ف. كينيدي للحكم وحاصل على ماجستير في القانون. ودكتوراه بالإضافة إلى درجة القانون الألماني. في عام 1976 التحق بالخدمة الخارجية الألمانية. وقد شغل منذ ذلك الحين مناصب في جميع أنحاء العالم، بما في ذلك كيتو، وإكوادور، والبعثة الدائمة لجمهورية ألمانيا الاتحادية لدى الأمم المتحدة في نيويورك، ورئيس الديوان (مدير المكتب الخاص) إلى الأمناء العامين لحلف شمال الأطلسي، وسولانا ولكن أيضا في ألمانيا كرئيس لموظفي وزراء الخارجية الألمانية ورئيسا لإدارة أمريكا الشمالية والسياسة الأمنية. وفي الفترة من عام 1999 إلى عام 2002 ترأس المديرية العامة للشؤون السياسية وكان المدير السياسي لوزارة الخارجية الألمانية. من عام 2002 حتى مارس 2006 شغل الدكتور شاريوث منصب وزير الدولة، وهو أعلى منصب في الخدمة المدنية في وزارة الخارجية الألمانية. 2016 زميل سابق في السياسة العامة لبوش نيكولاي بيتروف هو أستاذ في الجامعة الوطنية للبحوث في كلية الاقتصاد العليا في موسكو، وزميل في السياسة العامة لبوش في أكاديمية عبر الأطلسي. لسنوات عديدة كان باحثا يقيم في مركز كارنيجي موسكو، حيث وجه مشروع الجمعية والمناطق. وهو يرأس أيضا مركز البحوث السياسية الجغرافية. وخلال الفترة 1990-1995، عمل مستشارا للبرلمان والحكومة والإدارة الرئاسية الروسية. وهو مؤلف أو محرر العديد من المنشورات التي تتناول تحليل النظام السياسي الروسي، والتحول ما بعد الاتحاد السوفياتي، والتنمية الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والسياسية في مناطق روسيا، وإرساء الديمقراطية، والفيدرالية، والانتخابات، من بين مواضيع أخرى. وتشمل أعماله روسيا 2025: سيناريوهات للمستقبل الروسي (2013)، ودولة روسيا: ما يأتي بعد ذلك (شارك في تحريره مع ماريا ليبمان، 2015). 2016 زميل زميل في السياسة العامة في بوش زميل جيمس شير زميل في الأكاديمية عبر الأطلسي وزميل مشارك في شاثام هاوس والرئيس السابق، بين عامي 2008 و 2010، من برنامج روسيا وأوراسيا. وكان عضوا في كلية الدراسات الاجتماعية في جامعة أكسفورد من 1993 إلى 2012 زميل في مركز بحوث دراسات الصراع التابع لوزارة الدفاع البريطانية في الفترة من 1995 إلى 2008 ومدير دراسات المعهد الملكي للخدمات المتحدة (1983-85). وقد نشر على نطاق واسع على القوات العسكرية السوفيتية والروسية والأمن والسياسة الخارجية، فضلا عن أمن الطاقة، ومنطقة البحر الأسود والجهود الأوكرانية للتعامل مع روسيا والغرب ومشاكلها المحلية الخاصة. 2016 زميل زميل غير مقيم زميل د. نيلي بابايان زميل غير مقيم في أكاديمية عبر الأطلسي وزميل مشارك في مركز السياسة عبر الوطنية والأجنبية والأمنية في فري ونيفرزيت برلين (فو برلين). وفي الفترة 2012-2015، شغلت منصب باحثة أولى ومحاضرة في جامعة فو برلين، حيث قامت أيضا بتنسيق حزمة عمل لمشروع الاتحاد الأوروبي FP7 ترانزورلد في الفترة 2012-2015. في 2005-2008 عملت في المجلس الدولي للبحوث والتبادل في مشروع ممول من الوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية الدولية. كما شغلت مناصب زائرة في إيث زيورخ، فريد مدريد، وجامعة تارتو. حصلت على الدكتوراه في الدراسات الدولية من جامعة ترينتو، إيطاليا (2012)، ودرجة الماجستير في العلوم السياسية من جامعة أوروبا الوسطى، المجر (2005). وتشمل كتبها التحول الديمقراطي وعرقلة: الاتحاد الأوروبي والولايات المتحدة وروسيا في جنوب القوقاز (2015) وتعزيز الديمقراطية وتحديات القوى الإقليمية إليبرال (2016، شارك في تحرير). 2015 زميل سابق زميل مايكل بارنيت هو أستاذ جامعي للشؤون الدولية والعلوم السياسية، جامعة جورج واشنطن منذ سبتمبر 2010. شغل سابقا منصب رئيس ستاسن للشؤون الدولية، مدرسة هوبيرت همفري، وأستاذ العلوم السياسية، جامعة مينيسوتا، حيث تلقى ودكتوراه في عام 1989، وبوصفه أستاذا في جامعة ويسكونسن. وقد عمل باحثا في مركز الصراع والتنمية وبناء السلام، ومعهد الدراسات العليا الدولية والتنمية، باحث زائر في مركز التعاون الدولي بجامعة نيويورك، وزيرا زائرا في مركز دايان لدراسات الشرق الأوسط، - Aviv الجامعة. وتشمل كتبه "المعونة المقدسة: الإيمان والإنسانية" (2012)، وتحريرها مع جانيس شتاين، إمبراطورية الإنسانية: تاريخ الإنسانية (2011)، وقواعد للعالم: المنظمات الدولية في السياسة العالمية (2004)، مع مارثا Finnemore. 2015 زميل سابق زميل سابق كليفورد بوب هو أستاذ و ريموند J. كيلي هبت كرسي في العلاقات الدولية، قسم العلوم السياسية ومركز الدراسات العليا للسياسة الاجتماعية والعامة، جامعة دوكيسن منذ عام 2012. وتشمل الكتب الدكتور بوبس الجناح اليميني العالمي والصراع من السياسة العالمية (2012) وتسويق التمرد: المتمردين، وسائل الإعلام، والنشاط الدولي (2005). حصل على الدكتوراه في العلوم السياسية من معهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا في عام 1997، وعمل مؤخرا كأستاذ زائر في كلية الدراسات العليا للعلاقات الدولية في جامعة ريتسوميكان في كيوتو، اليابان. 2015 زميل سابق زميل سابق مايكل ليه هو كبير مستشاري صندوق مارشال الألماني للولايات المتحدة منذ عام 2011. وكان الدكتور لي المدير العام دغ التوسيع في المفوضية الأوروبية من 2006 إلى 2011، وعلى هذا النحو شغل منصب كبير المفاوضين في الاتحاد الأوروبي مع المرشح بلدان. وفي الفترة من 2003 إلى 2006 شغل منصب نائب المدير العام للعلاقات الخارجية. حصل على درجة الدكتوراه. في العلوم السياسية من معهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا في عام 1974، وعمل أستاذا زائرا للعلاقات الدولية في مركز بولونيا جامعة جونز هوبكنز بول ه. مدرسة نيتز للدراسات الدولية المتقدمة (سيس). 2015 زميل سابق زميل لوسيان ليوستيان محاضر أقدم في السياسة والعلاقات الدولية، عميد مشارك لبرامج الدراسات العليا، كلية اللغات والعلوم الاجتماعية، جامعة أستون، برمنغهام، المملكة المتحدة منذ عام 2012. تلقى الدكتور لوستين دكتوراه في العلوم السياسية من لندن School of Economics and Political Science in 2007. His books include The Ecumenical Movement and the Making of the European Community (2014), Eastern Christianity and Politics in the Twenty-First Century (2012, editor), Representing Religion in the European Union: Does God Matter (2012, editor) and Orthodoxy and the Cold War. Religion and Political Power in Romania, 1947-65 (2008). 2015 Fellow Past Fellow Nora Fisher Onar is a fellow at the Transatlantic Academy in Washington and Research Associate of the Centre for International Studies at the University of Oxford. She taught International Relations at Baheehir University in Istanbul and has published numerous articles and book chapters in academic and policy fora. As an inaugural Ronald D. Asmus Policy Entrepreneurs Fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, Fisher Onar wrote From Model to Bystander and How to Bounce Back: Turkey, the Middle East, and the Transatlantic Alliance. She received her doctorate in International Relations from the University of Oxford and holds masters and undergraduate degrees from Johns Hopkins SAIS and Georgetown University. 2015 Volkswagen Stiftung Fellow Past Fellow Anne Jenichen is Lecturer and Researcher, European Studies and Political Science, University of Bremen, since 2010. Dr. Jenichen received her doctoral degree from the Institute for Political Science at the University of Bremen on 2010. She is the author of Politische Innovation in internationalisierten Nachkriegskontexten Bosnische Frauenrechtspolitik in vergleichender Perspektive (2012) and co-editor of The Unhappy Marriage of Religion and Politics: problems and pitfalls for gender equality, a special issue of Third World Quarterly (2010). She has served as a Visiting Research Fellow at the Institut dtudes Europennes at the Universit Libre de Bruxelles in Brussels project coordinator at the Heinrich-Bll-Foundation for the Religion, Politics and Gender Equality Project in Berlin and Research Fellow at the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) for the Religion, Politics and Gender Equality Project in Geneva. 2015 Fulbright Schuman Scholar Past Fellow Lecturer in Public Policy at Queen Mary, University of London, Dr. Sarah Wolff has extensive research, training and consultancy experience in EU public policies, Justice and Home Affairs (JHA), migration and border management policies, as well as EU-Arab Mediterranean relations. Her latest monograph The Mediterranean Dimension of the European Unions Internal Security (Palgrave, 2012) builds upon fieldwork in Europe, Morocco, Egypt and Jordan. She also received the LISBOAN Research Award 2012 for her book Freedom, Security and Justice after Lisbon and Stockholm (Asser, 2012 co-editors F. Goudappel and J. de Zwaan). Her current research focuses on EU engagement with Islamist political parties in North Africa. Dr. Wolff is also a Senior Research Associate Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for International Relations, blogs at sarahwolffeu. wordpress. and tweets drsarahwolff. She was acting director of the MSc in European Public Policy at UCL in 2011-2012. Before then, she worked in DG EuropeAid (European Commission) and as a parliamentary assistant in the European Parliament. Dr. Wolff holds a PhD in International Relations (LSE, 2009), an Msc in European Politics and Governance (LSE, 2004) and a BA in Public Administration (Science Po Grenoble, 1999). 2015 Hungary Initiatives Foundation Fellow Past Fellow Mikls Sznth, graduated as a lawyer at Etvs Lrnd University of Sciences of Hungary, is the managing director and head analyst of Center of Fundamental Rights, a Budapest-based legal research institute. Previously, Sznth was a political analyst at a Budapest-based think tank and has contributed to several newspaper and political blogs. He also joined domestic and international research projects on the powers and limits of the executive or on higher-education policies in England. Sznths core interest focuses on constitutional law, legal structures of the government and on election law. The Center he is leading founded in 2013 prepares assessments and research papers on the professional level regarding the functioning of rule of law and protection of fundamental rights in Hungary. 2015 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Merete Bilde is policy advisor at the European External Action Service (EEAS) of the European Union in Brussels. Prior to her current position, she worked in the Policy Unit of EU High Representative Javier Solana on issues related to political aspects of Islam and cross-cultural relations. She has been involved in a number of initiatives at the cross-section of religion and politics within the EU, including issues related to freedom of expression, freedom of religion or belief as well as the defamation debate. In the aftermath of the Arab Spring, her work has focused heavily on the new political actors and the new regional dynamics at play, including between the new Middle East and the US and Europe. Prior to her current appointment, Merete Bilde served as a Danish diplomat. 2015 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Mustafa Akyol is a Bosch Public Policy Fellow at the Transatlantic Academy, a columnist for Turkish newspaper Hrriyet Daily News and the website Al-Monitor: The Pulse of the Middle East, and a monthly opinion writer for The International New York Times. His articles have also appeared in Foreign Affairs, Newsweek, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, Financial Times and many other publications. He is the author of Islam Without Extremes: A Muslim Case For Liberty, published by W. W. Norton in July 2011. On Twitter, he is at AkyolinEnglish. 2015 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Janice Gross Stein is the Belzberg Professor of Conflict Management in the Department of Political Science and was the founding Director of the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto (serving from 1998 to the end of 2014). She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and a member of the Order of Canada and the Order of Ontario. Her most recent publications include Networks of Knowledge: Innovation in International Learning (2000) The Cult of Efficiency (2001) and Street Protests and Fantasy Parks (2001). She is a contributor to Canada by Picasso (2006) and the co-author of The Unexpected War: Canada in Kandahar (2007). She was the Massey Lecturer in 2001 and a Trudeau Fellow. She was awarded the Molson Prize by the Canada Council for an outstanding contribution by a social scientist to public debate. She is an Honorary Foreign Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She has been awarded Honorary Doctorate of Laws by the University of Alberta, the University of Cape Breton, McMaster University, and Hebrew University. 2015 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Eric Germain (PhD) is a policy advisor at the Directorate General for International Relations and Strategy of the French Ministry of Defense. In 2009, he has been tasked with building up a newly founded program on religious and ethical issues to explore, inter alia, the challenges facing todays military chaplaincy. Without compromising the neutrality of public administration, his function aims to facilitate a better understanding of the role played by religion in societal dynamics, being part of the increasing complexity of the global political environment. This roadmap was quickly extended to the ethical and societal dimensions of the new defence and security unmanned technologies. He was one of the founding members of the European branch of the International Society for Military Ethics. Dr. Germain studied at the Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences-Po) and the School for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (EHESS). He later joined the Institute for the Study of Islam and Societies of the Muslim World (IISMM) where he conducted interdisciplinary research on Muslims in minority and diasporic contexts. Eric Germain co-edited the collective volume Islam in Inter-War Europe (Hurst, 2008) and published LAfrique du Sud musulmane (Kathala, 2007) and several articles on religious or ethical issues the most recent one, entitled From a distant to a disembodied warfare: moral challenges of a globalized battlefield, will be published in the 900th number of the International Review of the Red Cross. 2015 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Dr. Heinrich Kreft is a career diplomat and currently Deputy Chief of Mission of the German Embassy in Madrid. Prior to this he was Ambassador and Director General for International Academic and Educational Relations and Dialogue among Civilizations in the German Foreign Ministry. Prior to this assignment he served as Senior Foreign and Security Policy Advisor in the German Bundestag (2006-2010). As diplomat he was stationed in La Paz (1988-91), in Tokyo (1991-94) and Washington D. C. (2002-04). In the Foreign Ministry he was a member of the Policy Planning Staff (in charge of the Americas, Asia and Economic Issues 1996-2001) Visiting Fellow at The Henry L Stimson Center (July-December 2001), at the Heritage Foundation (January March 2002) and the Woodrow Wilson Center (April June 2002) in Washington, D. C. Senior Strategic Analyst and Deputy Head of the Policy Planning Staff of the German Foreign Ministry in Berlin (2004-06) Lecturer on International Politics. Numerous publications on major power political and economic relations International Security the Arab World European, American and Asian political and economic affairs. 2015 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Evelyn Finger is the Religion Editor of the weekly German newspaper DIE ZEIT in Hamburg. She created a desk at DIE ZEIT for religion, ethics, and philosophy under the title of Faith and Doubt in 2010. Previously, she worked as literary critic and a Culture Editor at the paper, which she joined in 2000. She has also written about theater, politics, and history in divided Germany. In 2010 she taught German Literature After the Fall of the Wall at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. She was born in East Germany and her degree from the University of Halle-Wittenberg is in Literature and Linguistics. Fingers enduring interests are the politics of dictatorship and totalitarianism in the 20th century with particular emphasis on Nazi and Communist Germany. 2014 Senior Fellow Past Fellow Trine Flockhart is Senior Researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS). Before joining DIIS she held positions as associate professor at universities in Australia, Denmark and Britain. Her research interests are focused on European Security, especially the EU and NATO, norms transfer and processes of change through intentional agent-led action. Her academic articles have appeared in journals such as International Relations, Journal of Common Market Studies and European Journal of International Relations. Her policy relevant work includes a number of DIIS Reports such as After the Strategic Concept: Towards a NATO Version 3.0 (2011), and a forthcoming report on Cooperative Security and NATOs New Partnership Policy. Her most recent (2013) articles can be found in European Security, NATOs nuclear addiction 12 steps to kick the habit and in Contemporary Security Policy: Why Europe Confounds IR Theory. She is the editor of Socializing Democratic Norms: The Role of International Organizations for the Construction of Europe (Palgrave, 2005) and (with Norrie MacQueen) European Security after Iraq (Brill, 2006). Her latest publication is an edited volume (with Tim Dunne) Liberal World Orders, 2013 published through the British Academy and Oxford University Press. 2014 Senior Fellow Past Fellow Charles A. Kupchan is Whitney Shepardson senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). He is also professor of international affairs in the Walsh School of Foreign Service and Government Department at Georgetown University. Dr. Kupchan was director for European affairs at the National Security Council (NSC) during the first Clinton administration. Before joining the NSC, he worked in the U. S. Department of State on the policy planning staff. Prior to government service, he was an assistant professor of politics at Princeton University. During 2006-2007, he was the Henry A. Kissinger Scholar at the Library of Congress and was a Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. 2014 Senior Fellow Past Fellow Christina Lin is a Fellow at the Center for Transatlantic Relations at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University, focusing on Chinas increasing footprint in the Mediterranean Basin and on ways that China, NATO, and U. S. allies can cooperate to resolve regional security issues. She is a former visiting fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and was selected as a 2011 National Security Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. Dr. Lin has extensive U. S. government experience, having served at the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the National Security Council, the Department of State, the Export-Import Bank of the United States, and the federally funded Institute for Defense Analyses. Her foreign policy portfolio included defense planning Chinese military strategy and the militarization of its energy security policy regional security architecture such as the NATO Global Partnership and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and dual-use strategic industries related to the EU arms embargo on China. Prior to entering government service, she worked in the private sector at Lehman Brothers and Goldman Sachs in London. A widely published analyst in Germany, Israel and the U. S. Dr. Lin has been a key author of the annual China file for Janes Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Intelligence Centre at IHS Janes, and her papers have been cited in publications such as the Korea Herald, Asia Times, Wall Street Journal, Daily Telegraph, UPI, CNN, Gulf News, Hurriyet Daily, PBS Tehran Bureau and Jerusalem Post. She has a Ph. D. and M. Sc. from the London School of Economics, an M. A. from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, and a B. A. University of California, Irvine. She speaks Taiwanese, Mandarin Chinese, and French (basic). 2014 Senior Fellow Past Fellow Lanxin Xiang is Professor of International History and Politics at the Graduate Institute in Geneva where he has been a faculty member since 1996. Professor Xiang was previously Associate Professor at Clemson University, United States. He held the Kissinger Chair of Foreign Policy and International Relations (2003-2004) at the Library of Congress, United States. He founded the Trilateral Forum for top-level policy-makers to discuss China. He was a McArthur Foundation Fellow in Germany (1989), and Olin Fellow at Yale University (2003). Professor Xiang has held chairs at Fudan University in Shanghai and China Foreign Affairs University in Beijing. He is a contributing editor for the publication Survival at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), London, and Dushu Magazine in Beijing. His main research focus is East Asia, foreign and security policies, and modern China. His main publications include: Tradition and Chinese Foreign Relations, The Origins of the Boxer War (2003, Chinese version nominated for national book awards), Recasting the Imperial Far East (2005), and Maos Generals (1998). Professor Xiang received his PhD from The Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University. 2014 Joachim Herz Stiftung Fellow Past Fellow Bartlomiej Nowak is a political scientist he holds a PhD in economics and completed his executive studies at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. He is chair of international relations department at the Vistula University in Warsaw, where he teaches the courses on global governance and international political economy. Nowak was an Executive Director at the Center for International Relations (Warsaw, 2010-2013). Previously he was working in the European Parliament (Brussels-Strasburg, 2004-2009) as a head of cabinet of EP Vice-President, Janusz Onyszkiewicz, and as a political advisor to Polish parliamentary delegates to the Convention on the Future of Europe (2002-2003). During Polands accession process to the EU Nowak was a member of governmental National Council of European Integration and member of the program board of Initiative YES in Referendum. 2014 Fellow Past Fellow Patrick W. Quirk is an expert in conflict managementmitigation, democracy assistance, and foreign aid. Dr. Quirk was formerly a management associate in conflict management and mitigation at Creative Associates International. He co-authored Best Practices in Electoral Security: A Guide for Democracy, Human Rights and Governance Programming for the U. S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and contributed to the design and writing of the Electoral Security Framework Handbook for USAID. He has designed and managed democracy assistance and conflict management programs in more than 16 countries for U. S. and European donors. Dr. Quirks research focuses on strategic security as it relates to alliances, weak states, and democracy assistance. He is the author of The Power of Dignity: A Framework to Explain Source and Degree of Participant Engagement in Social Movements (2008). He holds a Ph. D. in international relations from Johns Hopkins University, a masters degree in international affairs from American University, and received his bachelors from Bates College. 2014 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Yannos Papantoniou is President of the Centre for Progressive Policy Research. In 1994 he became Minister of National Economy, and from 1996 Minister of National Economy and Finance. During his seven and a half year tenure Papantoniou shaped and implemented policies aimed at the convergence of the Greek economy to the European economies and the accession of Greece to the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). In 1999, Papantoniou was elected Chairman of the Board of Governors of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). In 2001 Yannos Papantoniou became Minister of National Defence and promoted organizational reforms aimed at streamlining command structures, improving efficiency and reducing costs. He was Visiting Senior Fellow in the Hellenic Observatory within the European Institute at the London School of Economics and Political Science for the academic year 2009-10. In 2010 he was awarded the Davignon Fellowship by Friends of Europe. In 2011 he became a Member of GLG Councils, Gerson Lehrman Group, a US-based research group. 2014 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Ash Jain, a former member of the State Departments policy planning staff, is a nonresident fellow with the German Marshall Fund of the United States and a consultant with the Eurasia Group. He is also serving as executive director for the Project for a United and Strong America a task force of bipartisan foreign policy experts outlining a blueprint for a new national security strategy. Jain previously served as a visiting fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, an adviser with the White House Office of Global Communications, and counsel with the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs. His published articles and commentary have appeared in various news outlets, including the Los Angeles Times, the Hill, Fox News, C-Span, BBC, Canadian Broadcasting, Australian Broadcasting, and FRANCE 24. Jain has a BA in political science from the University of Michigan and a JDMS in foreign service from GeorgetownUniversity. 2014 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Emma Bonino served as vice president of the Italian Senate during the previous legislature. First elected to the Italian Chamber of Deputies in 1976 with the Radical Party, she has since served either in the Italian or in the European Parliament continuously, except when she held the post of European commissioner for humanitarian aid, fisheries, and consumer policy (1995-1999). In 1996, she was nominated as European personality of the year by a jury chaired by Jacques Delors, and awarded the prestigious Prince of Asturias prize two years later. In January 2005, Emma Bonino was elected chair of the Comitato dei Garanti, composed of senior politicians and former prime ministers, appointed by the Italian Government. She has been a visiting professor at the American University of Cairo and a board member of the International Crisis Group. She has served as chief observer of the EU electoral missions in Ecuador (2002) and Afghanistan (2005), and conducted several successful international campaigns to promote human and in particular womens rights. She served as minister for international trade and European affairs in the Italian Government from 2006 to 2008. 2014 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Annegret Bendiek is deputy head of the External Relations Research Division at the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) in Berlin. She participates in the Do Tank Cyber Security roundtable organized by the Federal Academy for Security Policy and T-System (Telecom). She was member of the expert group Policy Lab Cyber Security established by the Planning Unit of the German Foreign Office. From 2003 until 2005 she was Assistant Professor (C1) in Political Science at the University of Bielefeld. Since 2012 she is member of the EuropeTransatlantic consultant group at the Heinrich-Boell-Stiftung (Boell Foundation), Berlin. 2014 Aurea Foundation Fellow Past Fellow Michael Bell is a Senior Fellow at the Norman Patterson School of International Relations at Carleton University, where he teaches. He is also an Adjunct Professor at the University of Windsor, where for eight years he was the Paul Martin Senior Scholar in International Diplomacy. He is co-chair of the Jerusalem Old City Initiative, designed to develop new options for the Governance of the Old City. Mr. Bell served sixteen years in the Middle East as Canadas Ambassador to Jordan, Egypt and Israel (twice), as representative to the Palestinians and as High Commissioner to Cyprus. He also served as Chair of the Donor Committee of the International Reconstruction Fund Facility for Iraq and as an Arms Inspector for UNSCOM. He has been a Senior Fellow at the Weatherhead Center at Harvard University and at the Munk Centre at the University of Toronto. 2014 Nonresident Fellow Past Fellow Tams Fellegi is President of the Hungary Initiatives Foundation and managing partner of EuroAtlantic Solutions, an international consultancy firm. He is a Hungarian politician, jurist, political scientist, and businessman who served as minister of national development in Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbns government from May 29, 2010 to December 14, 2011. After that, he was a minister without portfolio in Orbns second cabinet. Between 1996 and 2000 he was sectoral director, then CEE of Legal and Governmental Affairs of Hungarian Telecom (MATV Rt.). 2014 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Bernardo Sorj is Director of the Edelstein Center for Social Research and of the Plataforma Democrtica Project, and Coordinator of SciELO Latin American Social Sciences Journals English Edition. Sorj was a professor at the Department of Political Science at the Federal University of Minas Gerais and at the Institute for International Relations, PUCRJ. He has retired as professor of Sociology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. The author of 26 books and more than 100 articles was visiting professor and chair at many European and North American universities, including the Chaire Srgio Buarque of Hollanda, at the Maison des Sciences de lHomme, and the Ctedra Simn Bolvar of the Institut des Hautes tudes de lAmrique Latine, in Paris. He is member of the board of several academic journals, advisor to scientific institutions and consultant to international organizations and governments. 2013 Senior Fellow Past Fellow Seyla Benhabib is the Eugene Meyer Professor of Political Science and Philosophy at Yale University and was Director of its Program in Ethics, Politics and Economics (2002-2008). She is the recipient of the Ernst Bloch prize in 2009 and the Leopold Lucas prize in 2012 for her contributions to cultural understanding in a global world and holds honorary degrees from the Universities of Utrecht (2004), Valencia (2010) and Bogazici (2012). Professor Benhabib was President of the American Philosophical Association in 2006-2007 and was a Fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg in Berlin in 2009. Her work has been translated into more than 12 different languages. Her books include: Critique, Norm and Utopia. A Study of the Normative Foundations of Critical Theory (1986) Situating the Self. Gender, Community and Postmodernism in Contemporary Ethics (1992) together with Drucilla Cornell, Feminism as Critique (1986) and with Judith Butler, Drucilla Cornell and Nancy Fraser, Feminist Contentions: A Philosophical Exchange (1994). She is the author of The Reluctant Modernism of Hannah Arendt (1996 reissued in 2002) The Claims of Culture. Equality and Diversity in the Global Era (2002) The Rights of Others. Aliens, Citizens and Residents (2004) Another Cosmopolitanism. Hospitality, Sovereignty and Democratic Iterations, with responses by Jeremy Waldron, Bonnie Honig and Will Kymlicka (Oxford University Press: New York, 2006). She has coedited Migrations and Mobilities. Gender, Borders and Citizenship with Judith Resnik (New York University Press, New York, 2009), and Politics in Hard Times: Encounters with Hannah Arendt (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010). Her most recent book is Dignity in Adversity. Human Rights in Troubled Times (Polity Press, 2011). She is the recipient of a Guggenheim award for 2012-2013 and is a Fellow at NYUs Straus Center for the Advanced Study of Law and Justice in Spring 2012. 2013 Senior Fellow Past Fellow David Cameron is Professor of Political Science and Chair of the Political Science Department at the University of Toronto, and is renowned for his significant career in public service at both federal and provincial levels of government. Professor Camerons interests include Canadian government and politics, questions of federalism and Quebec nationalism, ethnocultural relations, and the politics and constitution-making of emerging federal countries such as Sri Lanka and Iraq. His books reflect his extensive interests, and include Nationalism, Self-Determination and the Quebec Question The Social Thought of Rousseau and Burke: A Comparative Study Taking Stock: Canadian Studies in the 90s The Referendum Papers: Essays on Secession and National Unity (ed.) Cycling into Saigon: The Conservative Transition in Ontario (with Graham White) and Disability and Federalism: Comparing Different Approaches to Full Participation (ed. with Fraser Valentine). Professor Cameron is the winner of the Governor-Generals International Award for Canadian Studies, the University of Torontos Ludwick and Estelle Jus Memorial Human Rights Prize, and the University of Torontos Carolyn Tuohy Impact on Public Policy Award. He has also worked under the auspices of the UNDP to help the Somali Independent Federal Constitutional Commission develop its draft constitution. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and received his B. A. from the University of British Columbia and his M. Sc. ودكتوراه degrees from the London School of Economics. 2013 Senior Fellow Past Fellow Gabor Halmai is a professor of law and director of the Institute for Political and International Studies at Etvs Lrnd University, Budapest, as well as director of the Hungarian Human Rights Information and Documentation Center. He is currently a visiting research scholar at the Center of Theological Inquiry at Princeton University. He has published extensively in English, German, and Hungarian on problems related to human rights, judicial review, freedom of expression, and freedom of association. One of Hungarys most distinguished scholars of constitutional law, Halmai was formerly chief counselor to the president of the Hungarian Constitutional Court, Laszlo Solyom, (later president of the republic), and has served as vice chair of the Hungarian National Election Commission. He received his PhD from Etvs Lrnd University. 2013 Senior Fellow Past Fellow Gunther Hellmann is Professor of Political Science at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University. He specializes in International Relations. His research interests and teaching are in the fields of German foreign policy, European and transatlantic security relations and theory of international relations. Before assuming his position in Frankfurt he taught at the Free University in Berlin (between 1988 and 1993) and Darmstadt University of Technology (1993-1999). From January 2000 until October 2001 he directed the research group International Organizations at the Frankfurt Peace Research Institute. Between 2000 and 2006 he was co-chair of the International Relations Section of the German Association of Political Science. Since 2002 he is one of the publishers of Zeitschrift fr Internationale Beziehungen (ZIB), the premier German IR-journal. Since 2007 he is a Principal Investigator in the context of Goethe Universitys Cluster of Excellence Formation of Normative Orders. In 200809 he held the Steven Muller Chair in German Studies at the SAIS Bologna Center of Johns Hopkins University, in 2012 he was Harris Distinguished Visiting Professor at Dartmouth College, Hannover, NH. 2013 Senior Fellow Past Fellow Richard Youngs is director general of FRIDE. He is also professor at the University of Warwick in the UK. Prior to joining FRIDE, he was the EU Marie Curie research fellow at the Norwegian Institute for International Relations, Oslo (2001-4), and senior research fellow at the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (1995-8). He has a PhD and an MA in International Studies from the University of Warwick and a BA in Social and Political Science from the University of Cambridge. His research focuses mainly on democracy promotion and democratization, European foreign policy, energy security, and the MENA region. He has written several books on different elements of European external policy and published over forty articles and working papers, while writing regularly in national and international media. His latest work is Europes Decline and Fall: the struggle against global irrelevance (Profile Books, 2010). 2013 Joachim Herz Stiftung Fellow Past Fellow Anna Dolidze is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Law at the University of Western Ontario in Canada, where she teaches public international law and property, law, and development. Dolidzes research interests lay in international organizations and human rights, in particular the right to property and the rights of migrants. Dolidze received her BALLB summa cum laude from Tbilisi State University, LLM in International Law from the University of Leiden, and is expecting a Doctorate in Law from Cornell University. Dolidze has taught and held visiting fellowships at the New York University Law School, Harriman Institute of Columbia University, and Duke University. In the past, Dolidze has worked with a number of international organizations, including Human Rights Watch, Russian Justice Initiative, the Permanent Court of Arbitration and Save the Children. In 2004-2006, Dolidze was the President of the Georgian Young Lawyers Association, one of the largest legal advocacy organizations in Georgia, and served on a number of public bodies, including the Civic Supervisory Board of the Millennium Challenge Georgia Fund, Committee for Monitoring Human Rights in the Penitentiary, and the Expert Advisory Board of the Ministry of European Integration. In 2009, Atlantik-Brcke selected Dolidze as a Young European Leader. 2013 Junior Fellow Past Fellow Kateryna Pishchikova is research fellow at the Scuola Superiore SantAnna in Pisa, Italy, where she has been working on a number of research projects funded by the European Commission. Her research focuses on issues of democratization and the role of civil society in political transformation as well as democracy promotion. Her geographic area of expertise is the former Soviet Union, with particular focus on Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. Her recent book titled Promoting Democracy in Postcommunist Ukraine: The Contradictory Outcomes of US Aid to Womens NGOs came out with Lynne Rienner PublishersFirstForumPress in 2011. Kateryna Pishchikova took her PhD at the University of Amsterdam, where she also taught MA and BA courses on transnational politics, foreign assistance, civil society, and democratization. She was also visiting scholar at the Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars in 2004. She has MA in Gender Studies from the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary, and MA in Linguistics from the Kharkiv State University, Ukraine. During her graduate studies, Kateryna Pishchikova worked with the EU Project TACIS and on several projects with youth NGOs in Ukraine. 2013 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Mark Leonard is Co-Founder and Director of the European Council on Foreign Relations. Previously he worked as Director of Foreign Policy at the Centre for European Reform, and Director of the Foreign Policy Centre, a think-tank he founded under the patronage of Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Mark has spent time in Washington as a Transatlantic fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, and in Beijing as a visiting scholar at the Chinese Academy for Social Sciences. He is a prolific writer and commentator whose work has appeared in publications including Time, Newsweek, The Guardian, The Independent, The Daily Telegraph, Prospect, The Spectator, New Statesman, Foreign Policy, The Washington Quarterly, Country Life, Arena, The Mirror, The Express, The Sun, The Financial Times, The International Herald Tribune, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, and Wired. His first book, Why Europe will run the 21st Century, has been translated into 19 languages and his second book, What does China think was published in February 2008. 2013 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Gianfranco Pasquino is an Italian political scientist, currently professor of political science at the University of Bologna. He is also a professor at the Bologna Center at Dickinson College and at the SAIS Bologna center of Johns Hopkins University. He studied at the University of Turin under Norberto Bobbio and specialized under Giovanni Sartori at the University of Florence. In his professional life, he has been associated with the University of Florence, Harvard University, University of California, Los Angeles and the School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, DC. He was the editor of the journal Il Mulino between 1980 and 1984, and The Italian Review of Political Science between 2001 and 2003. He was a senator in the Italian Senate between 1983 and 1992 and 1994 and 1996 as a representative of the Independent Left and the Alliance of Progressives, respectively. In 2005 he was elected member of the Italian National Academy of Sciences. 2013 Compagnia di San Paolo Fellow Past Fellow Ruth Hanau Santini is a nonresident fellow with the Center on the United States and Europe at the Brookings Institution and an assistant professor of Political Science at the Universit Orientale in Naples, Italy. She is also an associate fellow at the Johns Hopkins SAIS Bologna Center. A specialist in EU foreign policy, she was earlier the project coordinator for the Italian Foreign Policy Dialogue and has collaborated on research projects with several European think tanks and universities. 2013 TAGMF Fellow Past Fellow Pavol Deme is an internationally recognized NGO leader, who served from 2000 to 2010 as director of the German Marshall Funds Bratislava office, where he oversaw GMFs activities in Central and Eastern Europe. Before joining GMF, Mr. Deme was executive director of the Slovak Academic Information Agency-Service Center for the Third Sector, a Slovak nongovernmental organization committed to enhancing civil society. Previously, Mr. Deme led a distinguished political and civic reform career serving his country as foreign policy advisor to the president of the Slovak Republic (1993-1997), minister of international relations (1991-1992), and director of the Department of Foreign Relations in the Ministry of Education (1990-1991). In 1999 he was awarded a six-month public policy research fellowship at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington D. C. 2013 Nonresident Fellow Past Fellow Bosch Public Policy Fellow, 2010-2011, Transatlantic Academy Visiting Senior Fellow, London School of Economics, IDEAS Visiting Research Fellow, London School of Economics, Asia Research Center Martin Jacques is a British writer and author of When China Rules the World The End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Global Order. He will be in residence from Nov. 29- Feb. 11. He is a visiting senior fellow at the London School of Economics, IDEAS, a centre for the study of international affairs, diplomacy and grand strategy, and a visiting research fellow at the LSEs Asia Research Centre. 2013 Nonresident Fellow Past Fellow Jan-Werner Mller is a Professor of Politics at Princeton University, where he also directs the Project in the History of Political Thought. He has been a visiting fellow at the Collegium Budapest Institute of Advanced Study, the Remarque Institute, NYU, the Center for European Studies, Harvard, and the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence. He is the author of Contesting Democracy: Political Ideas in Twentieth-Century Europe (Yale,2011), Constitutional Patriotism (Princeton, 2007), A Dangerous Mind: Carl Schmitt in Post-War European Thought (Yale, 2003), and Another Country: German Intellectuals, Unification and National Identity (Yale, 2000) he is also the editor of Memory and Power in Post-War Europe: Studies in the Presence of the Past, (Cambridge, 2002) and German Ideologies since 1945: Studies in the Political Thought and Culture of the Bonn Republic (Palgrave, 2003). He contributes to The Guardian, the London Review of Books, Dissent, DIE ZEIT, Sueddeutsche Zeitung and Neue Zuercher Zeitung. 2013 Nonresident Fellow Past Fellow Daniela Schwarzer is currently the Head of the Research Division EU Integration at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) in Berlin. She joined the Institute in 2005. In 2010, she became a member of the team of academic advisors to the Polish Secretary of State for European Affairs in preparation of Polands EU Council Presidency in 2011. In 20072008 she was a member of the working group Europe of the Whitebook Commission on Foreign and European Policy in the French Foreign Ministry and a visiting researcher at the French Institute for International Relations ifri in Paris. From 1999 until 2004 she served as editorialist and France correspondent for the Financial Times Deutschland. Prior to this, between 1996 and 1999, she was charge de mission and later Head of the Information Department at the Association for the European Monetary Union in Paris. She is the co-founding editor of eurozonewatch. eu (2006) and of the European Political Economy Review (2003). She regularly serves as a guest lecturer in German and international Universities. 2013 Aurea Foundation Fellow Past Fellow George Haynal is Professor of Corporate and Diplomatic Practice at the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto. A career Canadian diplomat, he served, among other assignments as Canadian Representative to the International Energy Agency and Deputy Head of Mission to the OECD, as well as Consul General in New York. His government career was varied, including senior roles in the Policy and Planning Secretariat of the Cabinet Office, Director General of Economic Policy and Head of the Policy Staff at DFAIT (the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade). His last role was as Assistant Deputy Minister (Assistant Secretary) for the Americas, which included responsibility for coordination of US-Canada relations. He was earlier also seconded to the Royal Bank of Canada as Vice President, Strategic Analysis for Corporate Banking. After retirement from the Foreign Service, he served for eight years as Vice President of International and Government Affairs in the Corporate Office of Bombardier Inc, the worlds leading supplier of rail and third largest manufacturer of civil aircraft. Bombardier has operations in over 27 countries and products in service in virtually all markets. He retired from that position in 2012. Haynal is an Alumnus Fellow of the Weatherhead Centre for International Affairs at Harvard, and serves on a number of academic advisory boards. He has written and spoken widely on a range of policy issues, including North American and Hemispheric relations, Summitry, and the future of diplomacy. He is now focused on issues related to the management of the intersection between the public and corporate realms in the global system. A former president of the Canadian Professional Association of Foreign Service Officers, he heads Broad View Inc, a private consultancy. 2012 Senior Fellow Past Fellow Philip Andrews-Speed is an independent energy policy analyst and Associate Fellow of Chatham House. Until 2010 he was Professor of Energy Policy at the University of Dundee and Director of the Centre of Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy. The focus of his research has been on energy policy, regulation and reform in China, and on the interface between energy policy and international relations. His book, with Roland Dannreuther, entitled China, Oil and Global Politics was published by Routledge in May 2011, and he is completing a book entitled The Governance of Energy in China. Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy to be published by Palgrave MacMillan in 2012. He is currently leading a major European Union, Framework 7 Programme project on Competition and Collaboration in Access to Oil, Gas and Mineral Resources. 2012 Senior Fellow Past Fellow Raimund Bleischwitz is a Ph. D. economist, and works as Co-Director of the Research Group Material Flows and Resource Management at the Wuppertal Institute in Germany. He is also Visiting Professor at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium and lecturer at the University of Wuppertal. Raimund has fifteen years plus experience in research on sustainability, resource efficiency, incentive systems, environmental and resource economics, and raw material conflicts. He has published ten books and some 200 articles, including his latest books The International Economics of Resource Efficiency (Springer Publisher 2010) and Sustainable Resource Management (Greenleaf Publisher 2009 with Stefan Bringezu). This year he will focus his research on the resources required for developing green industries, with a particular look at Chinas role as a supplier of essential materials. 2012 Senior Fellow Past Fellow Geoffrey Kemp is Director of Regional Security Programs at the Center for the National Interest. He served in the White House during the first Reagan administration as Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and Senior Director for Near East and South Asian Affairs on the National Security Council Staff. Dr. Kemp received his Ph. D. in political science at M. I.T. and his M. A. and B. A. degrees from Oxford University. His areas of focus include the Arab - Israeli Conflict, Iraq, Iran, Energy Security and Asia, the Caspian Basin, and the Geopolitics of the Middle East. He frequently comments and writes on US foreign policy in the US, European, Middle East, and East Asian media including recent publications The East Moves West: India, China, and Asias Growing Presence in the Middle East, Brookings Institution Press (2010) and Iran and Iraq: The Shia Connection, Soft Power, and the Nuclear Factor, United States Institute of Peace(2005). This year he will focus on maritime security, energy supplies and proliferation, with an emphasis on the Indian Ocean region. 2012 Senior Fellow Past Fellow Stacy D. VanDeveer is Professor and Department Chair in Political Science at the University of New Hampshire. His research interests include EU environmental politics, global environmental policymaking and institutions, comparative environmental politics, connections between environmental and security issues, the roles of expertise in policy making and the global politics of consumption and environmental and humanitarian degradation. In addition to authoring and co-authoring over 90 articles, book chapters, working papers and reports, he co-edited or coauthored nine books, including: Saving the Seas (1997) EU Enlargement and the Environment (Routledge 2005) Changing Climates in North American Politics (MIT Press 2009) Transatlantic Environment and Energy Politics (Ashgate 2009) Comparative Environmental Politics (MIT Press 2012) The Global Environment: Institutions, Law and Policy (CQ Press 2015) Want, Waste or War (EarthscanRoutledge 2015) and The European Union and Environmental Governance (Routledge, 2015). He co-edits the journal Global Environmental Politics (MIT Press). pubpages. unh. edu 2012 Junior Fellow Past Fellow Tim Boersma is a Ph. D. student at Groningen University in the Netherlands, where his research focuses on EU energy security. He is also affiliated with the Dutch national gas company, Gasterra. His dissertation deals with energy policy coordination within the EU, and the problem of too many decisions being made at the wrong level of EU policy making. While at the Academy he will undertake a comparative analysis of U. S. and EU gas infrastructure regulatory regimes, and the ways in which they impact the appetite for investment on both sides of the Atlantic. 2012 Joachim Herz Stiftung Fellow Past Fellow Corey Johnson is the Academys Joachim Herz Fellow for 2011-2012. He is an assistant professor of geography at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro. He received his Ph. D. from the University of Oregon and holds a B. A. in German and geography from the University of Kansas. His research is focused on the political, cultural, and economic geography of Europe, Germany and its neighbors more specifically the impacts of globalization and European integration on the political organization of space. For this project he is interested in three interrelated questions: 1) In what ways have struggles over energy and pipeline projects in Eurasia been framed in classical geopolitical terms by governments, corporations, and media 2) Using the specific example of Germany, what geopolitical logics and strategies are being deployed, and by whom, to ensure access to energy sources 3) Given the emergence of a vastly more complicated and comprehensive network of pipelines across Eurasia, as well as renewed interest in LNG as a means of moving gas to markets, what alternative geopolitical visions for Eurasia are possible 2012 Compagnia di San Paolo Fellow Past Fellow Paolo Natali is an expert in European gas and electricity markets, and currently works as a strategy advisor for Statoil. In the past he served in the public sector at the World Bank, the Council of the European Union, and NATO. He has published extensively on topics related to natural gas, electricity and energy policy, and teaches two masters courses, on network energies and energy security, at the Paris School of International Affairs (Sciences Po). He was educated at the University of Bologna (BA), Johns Hopkins SAIS (MA), and received his Ph. D. in economic history from the University of Cambridge. He divides his time between London, Paris, and Washington DC. 2012 Volkswagen Stiftung Fellow Past Fellow Andrs Rcz is an expert on EU Foreign and Security Policy, the European Neighborhood Policy, and the Post-Soviet region, and currently works as a Senior Research Fellow at the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs. He also lectures at the Department of International Studies at the Pter Pzmny Catholic University in Budapest. Previously he worked as a research fellow at the Institute for Strategic and Defense Studies at the Zrnyi Mikls National Defense University and the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs. He received his Ph. D. in Modern History and International Relations from Etvs Lornd University in Budapest. 2012 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Stormy-Annika Mildner is a member of the Executive Board of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), a policy-oriented think-tank based in Berlin. Her fields of interest include international trade and finance as well as commodity markets. For the last two years, Mrs. Mildner headed the SWP research project Competition for Scarce Resources and published an edited volume on Konfliktrisiko Rohstoffe Herausforderungen und Chancen im Umgang mit knappen Ressourcen in spring 2011. She has advised the Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on several occasions and has worked together with the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Federation of German Industries (BDI) on various projects focusing on natural resources and transatlantic trade issues. She regularly teaches classes on international economics at the Hertie School of Governance and the John F. Kennedy Institute of the Free University of Berlin. 2012 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow David Humphreys is an independent mining sector consultant based in London and a non-executive director of Petropavlovsk plc. David was for four years chief economist of Norilsk Nickel, Russias largest mining company, and for eight years chief economist at global miner, Rio Tinto. Prior to joining Rio Tinto, David worked for nine years in UK government service, for six of these as an advisor on minerals policy. David has written and lectured extensively on the economics of the mining industry, authoring over one hundred and fifty articles and papers on subjects ranging from commodity markets, trends in the mining sector, speculation, sustainable development, Russian mining, the impact of China on mining, and national minerals policy. He has been a visiting scholar at the Colorado School of Mines and the Catholic University of Chile in Santiago and is an honorary lecturer at the University of Dundee. He has a bachelors degree and PhD from the University of Wales. 2012 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Brahma Chellaney is professor at the Centre for Policy Research in New Delhi. He has served as a member of the Policy Advisory Group headed by the foreign minister of India, and as an adviser to Indias National Security Council. He has held appointments at Harvard University, the Brookings Institution, Johns Hopkins University, and the Australian National University. He is the author of Water: Asias New Battleground (Georgetown University Press, 2011) along with five previous books, including Asian Juggernaut: The Rise of China, India, and Japan (HarperCollins, 2010). His scholarly articles have appeared in numerous journals including International Security, Orbis, and Survival. He is a regular op-ed contributor to the International Herald Tribune, the Wall Street Journal, and the Japan Times, and an occasional contributor to the Financial Times and the New York Times. In 1985, he won a Citation for Excellence from the Overseas Press Club (OPC), New York 2012 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow James Cust is a DPhil student affiliated to OxCarre. His doctoral research examines the effects of resource extraction and large infrastructure projects on regional economies, supervised by Professor Tony Venables. His other research interests include the micro economic impacts of natural resources, infrastructure and climate change policies on developing countries. He also works on the Natrual Resource Charter with Professor Paul Collier. James completed his MSc in Economics for Development (with distinction) at Oxford University in 2008. He also holds a BA (Honours, First Class) in Economics from the University of Cambridge. He has held research positions at the University of Cambridge and IIT Kanpur, India. 2011 Senior Fellow Past Fellow Daniel Deudney is Associate Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University. He has also served as a Legislative Director in the U. S. Senate and a senior researcher at the Worldwatch Institute. His most recent book is Bounding Power: Republican Security Theory from the Polis to the Global Village. The book received the 2008 Robert Jervis and Paul Schroeder Award for the Best Book on International History and Politics, and received the Book of the Decade Award from the International Studies Association. Professor Deudney specializes in international relations theory, political theory and international relations, and contemporary global issues (nuclear, environment, space and energy). 2011 Senior Fellow Past Fellow James Goldgeier is the Dean of the School of International Service at American University. He was previously Professor of Political Science at George Washington University and former Director of GWUs Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies. In 1995-96, he was a Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellow serving at the State Department and on the National Security Council staff. His most recent book is America Between the Wars: From 119 to 911 (co-authored with Derek Chollet). 2011 Helmut Schmidt Fellow Past Fellow Steffen Kern is Director for International Financial Market Policy at Deutsche Bank, focusing on international financial market integration and cross-border regulatory convergence between the EU, the US and with countries in Asia and Latin America. Mr. Kern is a member of various official and industry advisory groups on international financial market regulation, and has published widely on the related issues. Prior to his current position he served as executive assistant to the CEO of Deutsche Bank Group, following eight years as senior economist for European financial market policy and integration. He holds academic degrees in economics, politics and philosophy from the universities of Oxford (Great Britain) and Leuven (Belgium) and a PhD from Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Netherlands), and is a lecturer in international finance at the University of Mainz (Germany). 2011 Senior Fellow Past Fellow Hanns W. Maull is Professor and Chair of Foreign Policy and International Relations, University of Trier, Political Science and History, and one of Germanys leading academic foreign policy analysts, working on both contemporary German foreign policy and European-Asian relations. Professor Maull is Chairman. Scientific Advisory Board, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin and Deputy Chairman, Scientific Advisory Board of the German Council of Foreign Relations. 2011 Senior Fellow Past Fellow Stefan A. Schirm is Professor of Political Science at the Ruhr University of Bochum, where he holds the Chair of International Politics. Previously he taught at the Universities of Munich and Stuttgart, was a Research Associate at the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, and served as J. F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow at the Center for European Studies, Harvard University. His publications include Globalization and the New Regionalism (Polity Press 2002), New Rules for Global Markets (ed. Palgrave 2004), Globalization. State of the Art and Perspectives (ed. Routledge 2007), Ideas and Interests in Global Financial Governance: Comparing German and US Preference Formation, in: Cambridge Review of International Affairs (2009), and Leaders in Need of Followers: Emerging Powers in Global Governance, in: European Journal of International Relations (2010). For more information, please see rub. delsip. 2011 Fellow Past Fellow Professor Kim holds a Ph. D. in Political Science from Yale University and a B. A. in Political Science and Diplomatic Affairs from Yonsei University. She is the author of Power and the Governance of Global Trade: From the GATT to the WTO (2010, Series in Political Economy, Cornell University Press). As a Transatlantic Academy Fellow, Professor Kim is pursuing research on trade relations between the transatlantic community and Asian countries, as part of a larger research project on the politics of Asias trade agreements. Professor Kim was a Fellow of the Niehaus Center for Globalization and Governance at Princeton University and an Assistant Professor of Government and Politics at the University of Maryland. She will join the National University in Singapore in 2011 as Associate Professor of Political Science. 2011 Fellow Past Fellow Iskander Rehman is currently a PhD candidate at CERI, Institute of Political Sciences (Science Po) in Paris and a Research Fellow at the Transatlantic Academy. Former Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses in Delhi he has contributed on strategic matters for BBC World, The Guardian, and the South Asian news channel ANI. In 2008, he received a two year grant from the French Ministry of Defense, for which he has also served in an advisory capacity. His research focuses on Indian and Chinese naval strategy, the Sino-Indian security dynamic, Asian maritime disputes and US force doctrine and posture in the WPTO. 2011 Compagnia di San Paolo Fellow Past Fellow Dr. Andornino is a Lecturer in International Relations of East Asia at the University of Torino and the Catholic University of Milan. He researches International Relations theory, as well as the International Relations of East Asia and the Pacific. Dr. Andornino is the Vice President of the Torino World Affairs Institute (T. wai) and the General Editor of TheChinaCompanion, one of the most comprehensive websites on the politics and economics of contemporary China (thechinacompanion. eu ). A former Visiting Professor at Zhejiang University (P. R.China), Dr. Andornino holds academic degrees from Milan Catholic University and the London School of Economics, where he was awarded the McKenzie Prize for academic excellence 2011 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Klaus Dieter Frankenberger is currently foreign editor of the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung which editorial staff he joined in September 1986. He will be in residence from March 1-31. His writings deal especially with the United States, European, transatlantic, and international politics. Prior to his positions at the Frankfurter Allgemeine, he was a congressional fellow and served as assistant to a member of Congress in 1985 and 1986, taking thereby a closer look on the political decision-making process of the United States. Frankenbergers previous academic activities include research positions at the Center for North American Studies in FrankfurtMain and a Marshall-Fellowship at Harvard University in 1990. 2011 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Franois Godement is a senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign relations (ecfr. eu ), professor of political science at Sciences Po and the Director for Strategy at the Asia Centre in Paris (centreasia. org ). He is also an outside consultant to the Policy Planning Directorate of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A long time professor and former director of the Business Program and the International Relations Program at the French Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations, he is a founder of the Asia Centre ifri at the Paris-based Institut Franais des Relations Internationales. He is a graduate of the Ecole Normale Suprieure de la rue dUlm (Paris), where he majored in history, and was a postgraduate student at Harvard University. In 1995, he co-founded the European Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific, and co-chaired it until 2008. He has also been a member of the Advisory board for the Europe China Academic Network (ECAN). His publications include: The EU-China Power Audit, European Council on Foreign Relations, May 2009 and A Global China Policy European Council on Foreign Relations, June 2010. He is a regular editor of China Analysis, an e-bulletin from Chinese sources and debates, published in French by Asia Centre and English in association with the European Council on Foreign Relations. 2011 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Joe Quinlan is the managing director and chief market strategist at U. S. Trust Bank of America Private Wealth Management. He will be in residence from December 6-February 1. His research is frequently cited in such media venues as Barrons, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and the Financial Times. With nearly 20 years of financial services experience, Mr. Quinlan most recently served as a senior global economiststrategist for Morgan Stanley. He started his career with Merrill Lynch. He lectures on finance and global economics at New York University, where he has been a faculty member since 1992. 2010 Senior Fellow Past Fellow Ahmet Evin is the founding dean of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Sabanci University. As director of education of the Aga Khan Trust for Culture, a Geneva-based international development foundation, he coordinated the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and in cooperation with that US-based resource center assisted in the development of architectural education in Asia and Africa. Prof. Evin initiated, with the European Commissions support, a policy dialogue on the future European architecture, EUs eastward expansion, its Mediterranean policy, and the customs union agreement with Turkey. His research interests include theories of the State and elites Turkish political development and democracy and civil society. He currently works on current foreign policy issues related to the European enlargement, its significance for Turkey and the region as well as its effect on Transatlantic relations. He received his BA in English and Comparative Literature from Columbia University in 1966. That same year he was named William Mitchell Fellow at Columbia where he continued his graduate work and received his Ph. D. in Middle East Studies and Cultural History in 1973. Prior to his appointment at Sabanci University, Dr. Evin taught at New York University, Harvard University, Hacettepe University (Ankara), University of Pennsylvania (where he also served as director of the Middle East Center), University of Hamburg, and Bilkent University in Ankara (where he headed the Department of Political Science). 2010 Senior Fellow Past Fellow Kemal Kirici is a professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Boazii University, Istanbul. He holds a Jean Monnet Chair in European Integration and was also the director of the Center for European Studies at the university between 2002 and June 2008. He received his Ph. D. at City University in London in 1986. His areas of research interest include European integration, asylum, border management and immigration issues in the European Union, EU-Turkish relations, Turkish foreign policy, ethnic conflicts, and refugee movements. He has previously taught at universities in Britain, Switzerland and the United States. Kirici has written numerous reports on immigration issues in EU-Turkish relations that can be accessed from carim. org. 2010 Senior Fellow Past Fellow Ronald H. Linden is Professor of Political Science at the University of Pittsburgh. A Princeton Ph. D. (1976), Dr. Linden is the author of Balkan Geometry: Turkish Accession and the International Relations of Southeast Europe Orbis (Spring, 2007) and EU Accession and the Role of International Actors, in Sharon Wolchik and Jane Curry Central and East European Politics: From Communism to Democracy (Rowman and Littlefield, 2008). During 1984-89 and 1991-98 he was Director of the Center for Russian and East European Studies at Pitt. From 1989 to 1991 Dr. Linden served as Director of Research for Radio Free Europe in Munich, Germany. He is currently the Associate Editor of Problems of Post-Communism and in 2008 edited a special issue devoted to The New Populism in Central and Southeast Europe. Dr. Linden has received research grants from the National Council for Eurasian and East European Research and its predecessor, the National Council for Soviet and East European Research, and from the International Research and Exchanges Board. He has been a Fulbright Research Scholar, a Fulbright Distinguished Lecturer, a Research Scholar at the Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies of the Woodrow Wilson Center, a Senior Fellow at the United States Institute of Peace under the Jennings Randolph Program on International Peace, and a Guest Scholar of the East European Studies Program of the Woodrow Wilson Center. 2010 Helmut Schmidt Fellow Past Fellow Thomas Straubhaar is Director of the Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI) and Professor of Economics at the University of Hamburg. Currently, he is also Director at the Hamburg European College, an institute for integration research of the University of Hamburg. 2010 Senior Fellow Past Fellow Nathalie Tocci is Senior Fellow at the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome, Associate Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels and Associate Editor of The International Spectator. She has held previous research positions at CEPS (1999-2003) and the European University Institute, Florence (2003-2007). Her research interests include European foreign policy, conflict resolution, the European neighbourhood, with a particular focus on Turkey, Cyprus, the Middle East and the South Caucasus. Nathalie is the winner of the 2008 Anna Lindh award for the study of European foreign policy. 2010 Fellow Past Fellow Juliette Tolay is Assistant Professor of Political Science at the School of Public Affairs in Penn State Harrisburg. Her research interests include immigration and asylum, foreign policy, and European and Middle East policies, with a particular focus on Turkey. She has published extensively on public opinion of foreigners in Turkey, migration and asylum in the EU-Turkey relations, and Turkish immigration policies intersection with domestic and foreign policies in edited books, journals, policy reports and commentaries. She is the co-author of the book Turkey and Its Neighbors: Foreign Relations in Transition (Linden et al. 2012, Boulder, Lynne Rienner). Dr. Tolay is the 2010 recipient of the first prize of the Sakip Sabanci International Research Award for a paper on multiculturalism in Turkey. She has studied at the University of Delaware, Sciences Po in Paris and Galatasaray University. Her research at the Academy has focused on the movement of population in and out of Turkey and the implications of migration for Turkish foreign policies. 2010 Fellow Past Fellow Joshua W. Walker is Assistant Professor of Leadership Studies at the University of Richmonds Jepson School of Leadership Studies and Transatlantic Fellow at the German Marshall Fund. Joshuas work focuses on international relations and security studies with a particular emphasis on the Middle East and East Asia. Joshua received his Ph. D. in Politics and Public Policy at Princeton University where he wrote a dissertation on the role of historical memories in post-imperial successor states domestic and foreign policies with particular focus on Turkey and Japan. In 20102011, Joshua will be working on his book project Shadows of Empires: How Post-Imperial Successor States Shape Memories along with articles on new directions in Turkish and Japanese foreign policies. Walker was previously a postdoctoral fellow at the Transatlantic Academy based in Washington, D. C. working on Turkey and its neighborhood that resulted in a policy report and forthcoming book project titled, Getting to Zero. Walker is a fellow of the Pacific Council on International Policy, a former fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and a graduate fellow at the Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination and Bradley Foundation. He is the co-founder of the Program on Religion, Diplomacy, and International Relations at Princeton and the Young Professions in Foreign Policy in New York. He holds a Masters degree in International Relations from Yale University and a Bachelors degree from the University of Richmond. He was a Fulbright Fellow in Ankara, Turkey, and worked for the U. S. Embassy and State Department on Turkey. 2010 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Katinka Barysch is deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, a London-based foreign policy think-tank. She has written extensively about Russia, Turkey, Central and Eastern Europe and about all aspects EU enlargement. She also works on European economic reforms, globalization, energy questions and EU institutional change. Katinka has acted as an advisor to the EU Select Committee of the House of Lords, the World Economic Forum and other organizations, as well as EU governments and a number of financial institutions and business federations. Katinka joined the CER in July 2002 as chief economist and became deputy director in 2007. Before that, she was an analyst and editor for the Economist Intelligence Unit in London, specializing in Eastern Europe and Russia. Until 1998, she worked as a consultant in Brussels, where she was also involved in formulating the European Commissions strategy towards the East European candidate countries. Katinka gained an Masters of Science in International Political Economy with distinction from the London School of Economics and a BA in Political Science, Economics and Law from Munich University. 2010 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow F. Stephen Larrabee is a senior political scientist at the RAND Corporation, its Distinguished Chair Emeritus in European Security, and a member of the Pardee RAND Graduate School faculty. Before joining RAND, Larrabee served as vice president and director of studies of the Institute of EastWest Security Studies in New York from 1983 to 1989, and was also a Distinguished Scholar in Residence (19891990). From 1978 to 1981, he served on the U. S. National Security Council staff in the White House as a specialist on SovietEast European affairs and East-West political-military relations. Larrabee has taught at Columbia, Cornell, New York, Johns Hopkins, Georgetown, and The George Washington universities, and at the University of Southern California. He received his Ph. D. in political science from Columbia University. 2010 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Hugh Pope is since 2007 the TurkeyCyprus Project Director for International Crisis Group, the conflict-prevention organization. Based in Istanbul, he writes reports on EU-Turkey relations, Cyprus and Turkeys ties with its neighbors. Pope was previously a foreign correspondent for 25 years, most recently spending a decade as a Turkey, Middle East and Central Asia Correspondent for The Wall Street Journal. Mr. Pope received a B. A. in Oriental Studies (Persian and Arabic) from Oxford University. Mr. Pope has written TURKEY UNVEILED: a History of Modern Turkey (London 1997, a New York Times notable book), and SONS OF THE CONQUERORS: the Rise of the Turkic world (New York 2005, an Economist magazine book of the year). His forthcoming book, DINING WITH AL-QAEDA: Three Decades Exploring the Many Worlds of the Middle East will be published in March 2010 (New York: Thomas DunneSt Martins Press). 2010 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Michael Thumann has joined the Transatlantic Academy as a Bosch Public Policy Fellow for the month of January. During his stay at the Academy he will be working on the issue of changing political elites in Turkey and the Russia-Turkey relationship. An experienced journalist and author, he is the chief editor for the Middle East of Die Zeit. Based in Istanbul, he covers the Arab Middle East, Turkey, Central Asia. Prior to his posting in Istanbul, he served as Die Zeits Foreign Editor from 2001-2007, and as the Moscow correspondent of Die Zeit from 1996-2001, reporting on Russias relations with the Islamic populations of the Caucasus and Central Asia. He has also served as the political editor of Die Zeit on southeastern Europe. He studied at the Free University, Berlin, Columbia University and the Leningrad State University and was a Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. His books include: Der Islam und der Westen, 2003 La puissance russe. Un puzzle reconstituer. 2003 and Das Lied von der russischen Erde. Moskaus Ringen um Einheit und Gre, 2002. 2010 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Sinan lgen is a founding partner of Istanbul Economics, chairman of the think tank Center for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies (edam. org. tr ), as well as a visiting scholar at Carnegie Europe. He graduated in 1987 from the University of Virginia with a double major in computer sciences and economics. He undertook graduate studies at the College of Europe in Brugge, Belgium where he received, in 1990, a masters degree in European economic integration. He then joined the Turkish Foreign Service as a career diplomat and worked for two years at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ankara at the United Nations desk. In 1992, he was posted to the Turkish Permanent Delegation to the European Union in Brussels where he became a member of the Turkish negotiations team for the Turkey-EU Customs Union. In 1996, lgen was posted to the Turkish Embassy in Tripoli where he spent the rest of the year. Upon his return to Ankara. Mr. lgen resigned from the Foreign Service and started his consultancy practice. He is the author of numerous publications including a book entitled The European transformation of modern Turkey co-authored with Kemal Dervis in 2004 and a recent book entitled Handbook of EU negotiations. He is a regular contributor to Turkish dailies and his opinion pieces have also been published by international media such as The International Herald Tribune, Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, European Voice and Le Figaro as well as think tanks such as the World Economic Forum, Center for European Reform, Center for European Policy Studies and the Atlantic Council of the US. 2009 Senior Fellow Past Fellow Dutch Anthropology Lecturer in International Relations, University of Amsterdam Senior Researcher, Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies Jeroen Doomernik will bring a strong combination of academic and policy oriented research, and has served as a senior policy advisor to the Minister of Integration and Urban Affairs and for the European Commission. Doomernik is active in the EU sponsored European network of excellence in the immigration field (IMISCOE). He proposes to work on the future of migration control in both Europe and the transatlantic area with an emphasis upon regimes which attempt to attract the highly skilled while limiting migration of the lower skilled. 2009 Senior Fellow Past Fellow American Political ScienceInternational Relations Associate Professor of Political Science and Public Policy, University of Albany Rey Koslowski is a leading academic authority in the field, with a strong background in transatlantic and European policies. Koslowski has a strong publication record and excellent ties to European academics and policy oriented institutions, including the Migration Policy Institute. He also participated in the Bellagio Dialogue organized by GMF. His proposal is to examine the politics and diplomacy of US and EU visa policies and the implications of new information technologies for transatlantic cooperation in this policy area. 2009 Senior Fellow Past Fellow American Political Science Assistant Professor, Boston College Jonathan Laurence won the prestigious Lasswell prize for the best dissertation in public policy from the American Political Science Association, which he wrote at Harvard, and has published an important study of Muslim integration in France for the Brookings Institution. He was also a participant in the Bellagio Dialogue. He was a DAAD scholar at the Freie Universitt Berlin and has academic experience in Italy and France as well. He will be working on state-Islam relations in Europe and in particular on how Islamic leaders and programs have been changed by their participation in government sponsored forums. 2009 Senior Fellow Past Fellow German Political Science University of Mnster Professor Thrnhardt is one of the leading academic specialists in Europe in the field of comparative immigration policies. He has served as Dean of Social Sciences and Dean of the Philosophy Faculty as well as Director of the Institute of Political Sciences at Mnster. He will be working on issues related to the recruitment of skilled workers to Europe and the development of free movement of people outside the OECD area as well. 2009 Fellow Past Fellow American Political Science University of California, Berkeley Rahsaan Maxwell was awared a PhD in May 2008 from the University of California, Berkeley and already has three publications, including one in a refereed journal, and two more articles under review. He has had a number of grants, including one from the Ford Foundation and a Chateaubriand Fellowship. He has been a visiting researcher in London and Paris and has written a dissertation on the integration of ethnic migrants in the UK and France. Recently, he accepted a position as an Assistant Professor at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in the Political Science Department. 2009 Fellow Past Fellow German Sociology Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin-Social Science Research Centre Ines Michalowski received her PhD in 2007 jointly with Mnster and Sciences Po in Paris. She has done research in the Netherlands as well as in France and has already an impressive publication record. In March 2008 she joined the staff of the WZB-Social Science Research Centre in Berlin where she is working in the research unit on Migration, Integration and Transnationalization. She is proposing to look at the political and juridical incorporation of Islam in European Member states and compare it to what is happening in the US in this regard. 2009 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Steffen Angenendt is since September 2006 senior associate at the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik German Institute for International and Security Affairs in Berlin. Within the research unit Global Issues he is responsible for research on demography, migration and security. He has published extensively on German, European and international migration policy. Before joining the Institute in 1993, he was research fellow at the Political Science Department of the Free University of Berlin. He also worked as a consultant i. a. to UNICEF, UNHCR, IOM, the German Federal Governments Independent Commission on Immigration Reform (Sssmuth-Kommission), the Council for Asia-Europe Co-operation (CAEC), and the High Council on Migration and Integration (Zuwanderungsrat) of the German government. He taught political science and political sociology at the Free University and the Humboldt University in Berlin. He holds a diploma in political science and a Ph. D. in political science from the Free University in Berlin. 2009 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Mr. Bernard is a correspondent for the French daily, Le Monde, and is a specialist on immigration issues and Africa. He has specialized as a reporter at the African desk, International section and is a columnist on Africa. He reports on several Sub Saharan countries. Between 1997-2005 he served as editor at the Socit section of Le Monde, serving as a columnist on immigration and race relations. From 1991-2005 he specialized on immigration and urban problems in France, Le Monde, Paris, France. 2009 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Khedidja Bourcart is an elected agent in charge of integration of Non-EU citizens, responsible for creating a department within the City of Paris administration to implement a fourfold policy: (i) access to citizenship and prerogative of law (ii) social welfare, (iii) solidarity and (iv) promotion of common cultures. Her main interests include creating a network among elected officials in major urban areas to discuss best practices in regard to immigration policies. She also has worked extensively in the arts, as an attach to NGO and magazines dealing with the immigrant experience. 2009 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Edwina OShea is a senior policy analyst with Department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada, most recently working on asylum and refugee issues. In particular, Edwina has conducted comparative analyses of Canadian and U. S. asylum polices and practices, as well as research into decision-making in the Canadian refugee resettlement program. She has also worked in Canadian diplomatic missions abroad conducting refugee, immigrant and non-immigrant selection in Thailand, Nepal, Singapore and Kenya. She brings immigration policy and practitioner experience from a Canadian perspective. Edwina has a bachelors degree in political studies from Queens University and a masters in Political Science from the University of Toronto in Canada. 2009 Bosch Public Policy Fellow Past Fellow Ms. Ayse zbabacan is the coordinator of the European Cities Network CLIP (Cities for Local Integration Policies of Migrants). She works for the Department for Integration Policy of the City of Stuttgart, where she supports the City to implement the goals of the Stuttgart Pact for Integration, the Stuttgart Integration Policy concept. For the last year and a half, she has been working on the extension of the network and on supporting the CLIP scientific research group to conduct migration-specific case studies in Stuttgart, which involves the organization of CLIP meetings, the writing of the CLIP-newsletter, and the presentation of successful integration work on the local, national and European levels. Ms. zbabacan is multilingual, speaking German, English, French, Dutch, Kurdish, and Turkish. She has degrees in European studies and law and a masters degree in European culture from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands.